Sunday, October 01, 2006

Why booking a hotel room in or near the ASSA meeting headquarters hotel is essential

Revise the paper from 11:30 am to 11:30 pm...

A finding on the Tuesday before the last was incorrect. With alternative measures of democracy, I still obtain similar results. Which is fine, anyway.

By browsing the AEA website, I figure out why booking a hotel room in or near the headquarter hotel is important (see 26 September). This document says,

"Job candidates have difficulty locating interviewers at the ASSA meetings. Interviewers do not know their room numbers prior to check-in and thus cannot tell candidates in advance."

Therefore, the AEA will set up the "Job Interview Suite & Room Information Table", where interviewers come and leave their room numbers, and candidates come and learn the locations of their interviews. And the Table will be set up at the headquarter hotel. Staying in or near the headquarter hotel thus makes it easy for you to locate where your interviews take place.

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